Domaso is situated on the North Western bank of Lake Como, 100 km North of Milan, 50 km North of Como and 50 km North East of Lugano (Switzerland).


From Milano Linate: follow indications for Tangenziale NORD (ring road) towards Monza and Lecco, which will lead you onto major road “SS36 del Lago di Como e dello Spluga”. Take exit for Colico, follow the indications for Chiavenna and then for Menaggio, Lake Como. Drive along the coast of Lake Como for 8 km and you will arrive in Domaso.

From Bergamo Orio al Serio: follow indications for Bergamo and then for Lecco. Once arrived to Lecco, take SS36 Lecco-Sondrio. Take exit for Colico, follow the indications for Chiavenna and then for Menaggio, Lake Como. Drive along the coast of Lake Como for 8 km and you will arrive in Domaso.

From Milano Malpensa: take highway towards Milano, then follow indications for SS36 Milano-Lecco-Sondrio. Take exit for Colico, follow the indications for Chiavenna and then for Menaggio, Lake Como. Drive along the coast of Lake Como for 8 km and you will arrive in Domaso.

AIRPORTS + Public Transport

From Milano Linate: shuttle Bus to Milano Centrale, then take the train to Colico. From Colico take the C10 Bus or TAXI (see public transport indications).

From Bergamo Orio al Serio: train from Bergamo to Lecco, change at Lecco and take the train to Colico. From Colico take the C10 Bus or TAXI (see public transport indications).

From Milano Malpensa: shuttle Bus or train to Milano Centrale, then take the train to Colico. From Colico take the C10 Bus or TAXI (see public transport indications).


From Milano (100 km): Follow indications for Tangenziale EST towards Monza, which will lead you onto SS36 Milano-Lecco-Sondrio. Take exit for Colico, follow the indications for Chiavenna and then for Menaggio, Lake Como. Drive along the coast of Lake Como for 8 km and you will arrive in Domaso.

From Como (50 km): Take SS340dir road and follow indications towards Menaggio; then follow indications for Sondrio and after 20 km you will arrive in Domaso.

From Lugano Swiss (45 km): Follow indications for Gandria, then Porlezza and Menaggio; then follow indications for Sondrio and after 20 km you will arrive in Domaso.

From Spluga Pass (60 km): Follow indications for Chiavenna, then take SS36 road towards Lecco; in Dubino, follow for Menaggio and Como. Drive along the coast of Lake Como for 8 km and you will arrive in Domaso.

From Sondrio (50 km): Take SS38 road towards Lecco; take exit for Colico, follow the indications for Chiavenna and then for Menaggio, Lake Como. Drive along the coast of Lake Como for 8 km and you will arrive in Domaso.

NOTE for those arriving by car

From whichever direction you will be arriving in Domaso, from main road (SS340dir) you will have to turn into Via Oliva; continue along Via Oliva for 800 m and you will arrive at your destination.

The parking lot is in front of the villa. Do not go any further as the road narrows and after 100 m it will only be possible to proceed either by bike or on foot, you will have to reverse back if you have a car.


From Milano: take a train for Sondrio-Tirano and get off at Colico and then take a bus or TAXI:

  • Bus C10 to Menaggio-Como, get off at Domaso Piazza Ghislanzoni; go up the small road Via Sariolo until you cross Via Oliva, turn left into Via Oliva and you will arrive within a few minutes.
  • TAXI (15 minutes)

From Como: bus or hydrofoil:

  • Bus C10 to Colico, get off at Domaso Piazza Ghislanzoni; go up the small road Via Sariolo until you cross Via Oliva, turn left into Via Oliva and you will arrive within a few minutes.
  • Hydrofoil for Colico, get off at Domaso and keeping the lake to your right you can walk to Piazza Ghislanzoni in a few minutes; go up the small road Via Sariolo until you cross Via Oliva, turn left into Via Oliva and you will arrive within a few minutes.

From Lugano: bus to Maloja-St.Moritz, get off at Domaso Piazza Ghislanzoni; go up the small road Via Sariolo until you cross Via Oliva, turn left into Via Oliva and you will arrive within a few minutes.