Shops in and around Domaso

With our targeted advice on the best places to buy quality food in the surrounding area, we would like to offer you the opportunity to prepare delicious meals directly in your private flats, savouring the authentic flavours of the place.

There are two supermarkets in Domaso where you can buy food and produce, easily located along the road near the camping area and Domaso’s only petrol station.
To reach them from the house, follow the main road northwards.

If you are looking for and appreciate quality, visit a couple of small shops offering a selection of fine Italian wines, local cheeses and cold cuts from the valleys, and fresh bread baked daily by local bakers.

  1. lI negozietto” – Domaso: 10′ walk or 3′ drive / selection of wines and local products;
  2. Pontiggia CRAI” – Gravedona: 30′ walk or 5′ drive / mini market with selection of wines and local products;

For good quality meat, we suggest you visit the following local butcher shops

  1. Macelleria Mazzucchi” – Dongo: 15′ by car / excellent meat, cold cuts and cheese;
  2. Macelleria Cetta” – Gravedona: 15′ by car / excellent meat, cold cuts and cheeses;
  3. Azienda Agricola Pradella” – Gravedona: meat, cold cuts and cheeses typical of the Valtellina.

N.B: the road to the farm is outside the town centre with a steep slope.

On this page we only recommend small local producers, as we wish to actively support the fathers and mothers of our community. This choice reflects our personal commitment to promoting a sustainable and conscious approach, in harmony with the values that characterise Villa Moretta.

Host’s tips

To further enrich your experience in our enchanting region, I cannot help but recommend some local products.

Here is a selection of delicacies that reveal the true essence of our region, all the result of artisanal processing that respects seasonality and enhances the value of local raw materials:

  • Raw milk cheeses: discover the authentic taste of “Latteria Tremezzina” and “Latteria Val Bregaglia” cheeses, perfect for lovers of strong, natural flavours.
  • Reserve “Casera” cheese: enjoy the richness of this cheese, matured for over a year in the cellar, a real treat for the palate.
  • Caciotta “Latteria Tremezzina”: a unique cheese, made from cow’s milk and goat’s rennet, offering a very special taste.
  • Caprino fresco and “Zingherlin“: produced by the “San Martino” farm, these cheeses express all the freshness and intensity of local production.
  • Salumi: savour the genuine salami and hunters from the ‘Pradella’ farm, as well as pork, venison and horse hunters from small farms in Valtellina.
  • Bresaola ‘dei crotti’: from Valchiavenna, this artisanal bresaola is a must for lovers of intense and genuine flavours.
  • Olio EVO di Vercana: nn extra virgin olive oil that condenses all the scents and flavours of our lake
  • Giardiniera from the “TreTerre” farm: perfect to accompany meat and cheese, thanks to its fresh and crispy taste.
  • Rye bread and Pagnotta di Garzeno: ideal to accompany our cheeses and cold cuts, these breads are made as they used to be, with simple and natural ingredients.
  • Honey from the “Badalone” farm and Dolce Braschino di Garzeno: natural sweeteners, they are the perfect finishing touch for any meal or as a sweet snack.
  • Wines: from the whites and rosés of the ‘Angelinetta’ farm to the noble reds of Valtellina such as Rosso di Valtellina, Sassella, Grumello, Inferno and Sforzato, available to accompany every meal with the right balance.

These products are the fruit of the passionate work of our artisans and farmers: their availability is limited and closely linked to the seasons, thus guaranteeing freshness and quality.

During your stay, do not miss the opportunity to taste these delicacies and, if an experience has particularly impressed you, share it by tagging Villa Moretta’s social pages and leaving your comment in our guestbook.

Your recommendations may help other guests discover and appreciate the wonders of our territory.

On this page we only recommend small local producers, as we wish to actively support the fathers and mothers of our community. This choice reflects our personal commitment to promote a sustainable and conscious approach, in harmony with the values that characterise Villa Moretta.